Category Archives: Science

NOCO Expo – 2014

NOCO 2014
NOCO Expo 2014 – Windsor, CO


Thank you for a SOLD OUT EXPO!!!  We had a great time and an awesome event from the speakers to the sponsors to the exhibitors to the people who bought tickets.

Morris Beegle- Expo Manager
Morris Beegle- Expo Manager

Keep an eye out here for upcoming events including Hemp Seed Revival which we’ll be doing at Avo’s in Fort Collins on June 7th as well as The Colorado Hemp Expo which will be in October at a Denver location.
Contact us at [email protected] or 970-581-5049

Conservative Republican Senator Mitch McConnell
was instrumental in passing the recent farm bill with
provisions for the cultivation of industrial hemp.

Video Clips from  NOCO 2014

Doug Fine – Author Hemp Bound

Mara Brosy-Wiwchar – Assistant  to Congressman Jared Polis
brings us up to date

Summer Star Haeske – Co-Founder EnviroTextiles

Samantha Walsh,  Agua Das

Johnny Hempseed, Evo Hemp Bars, Das, Next Gen Colorado bo-interviewhemp-iscream

Hemp Properties


Hemp Textile Properties
As the premier plant fiber, True Hemp or Cannabis sativa has served mankind for thousands of years. This venerable fiber has always been valued for its strength and durability. Materials made from hemp have been discovered in tombs dating back to 8,000 B.C.E. Christopher Columbus sailed to America on ships rigged with hemp. Hemp was grown extensively in colonial America by numerous farmers including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Betsy Ross sewed the first American flag from hemp.

levi-straussLeviStrauss Jeans

In fact, its combination of ruggedness and comfort were utilized by Levi Strauss as a lightweight duck canvas for the very first pair of jeans made in California.

For thousands of years hemp was traditionally used as an industrial fiber. Sailors relied upon hemp cordage for strength to hold their ships and sails, and the coarseness of the fiber made hemp useful for canvas, sailcloth, sacks, rope, and paper.


While hemp fiber was the first choice for industry, the coarseness of the fiber restricted hemp from apparel and most home uses. Hemp needed to be softened. Traditional methods to soften vegetable fibers used acids to remove lignin, a type of natural glue found in many plant fibers. While this method to remove lignin worked well with cotton or flax, it weakened the fibers of hemp and left them too unstable for use. Hemp therefore remained as an industrial fabric.

In the mid 1980’s, researchers developed an enzymatic process to successfully remove lignin from the hemp fiber without compromising its strength.


For the first time in history, de-gummed hemp fiber could be spun alone or with other fibers to produce textiles for apparel. This technological breakthrough has catapulted hemp to the forefront of modern textile design and fashion. Given hemp’s superiority to other fibers, the benefits of this breakthrough are enormous.

Superior Properties
Hemp fiber is one of the strongest and most durable of all natural textile fibers. Products made from hemp will outlast their competition by many years.

hemp-prod-canvas shoes

Not only is hemp strong, but it also holds its shape, stretching less than any other natural fiber. This prevents hemp garments from stretching out or becoming distorted with use. Hemp may be known for its durability, but its comfort and style are second to none. The more hemp is used, the softer it gets. Hemp doesn’t wear out, it wears in. Hemp is also naturally resistant to mold and ultraviolet light.

Due to the porous nature of the fiber, hemp is more water absorbent, and will dye and retain its color better than any fabric including cotton.


This porous nature allows hemp to “breathe,” so that it is cool in warm weather. Furthermore, air which is trapped in the fibers is warmed by the body, making hemp garments naturally warm in cooler weather.

Larry Serbin – CEO Hemp Traders

hemptrader-Larry Harvest
hemp harvest

Environmental Advantages

Hemp is an extremely fast growing crop, producing more fiber yield per acre than any other source. Hemp can produce 250% more fiber than cotton and 600% more fiber than flax using the same amount of land. The amount of land needed for obtaining equal yields of fiber place hemp at an advantage over other fibers.
Hemp grows best in warm tropical zones or in moderately cool, temperate climates, such as the United States. Hemp leaves the soil in excellent condition for any succeeding crop, especially when weeds may otherwise be troublesome. Where the ground permits, hemp’s strong roots descend for three feet or more.

The roots anchor and protect the soil from runoff, building and preserving topsoil and subsoil structures similar to those of forests. Moreover, hemp does not exhaust the soil. Hemp plants shed their leaves all through the growing season, adding rich organic matter to the topsoil and helping it retain moisture. Farmers have reported excellent hemp growth on land that had been cultivated steadily for nearly 100 years.

Hemp-Traders-LogoHemp Traders

copyright 2014

Body Care Products and More..

Pikes Market, Seattle, Wa
Pikes Market, Seattle, WA


Maija Szymanowski works at a stand at Pike Place Market Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014 in Seattle that sells body-care products including lotions, salves, and serums made in Washington state with hemp that is grown in Canada. With recreational marijuana use now legal in Washington, state legislators are discussing whether the state should also launch an industrial hemp industry.

SPOKANE, Wash. — With recreational marijuana use now legal in Washington, state legislators are eyeing whether the state should also allow an industrial hemp industry.

Hemp, like marijuana, comes from the cannabis plant but has much less THC, the active ingredient in marijuana that makes people high. The hemp plant has thousands of industrial uses and could provide a new cash crop for farmers.

The state Senate is considering a bill that would authorize Washington State University to study the feasibility and possible value of an industrial hemp industry in Washington.

“We have a long tradition of hemp usage on our country,” said State Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles, D-Seattle, a sponsor of the bill. “The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.”


The federal government outlawed hemp decades ago as part of its efforts to stop marijuana production and use, Kohl-Welles said.

Several people spoke in support of the bill at a recent hearing by the Senate Agriculture, Water and Rural Economic Development committee.

Aimee Warner, a member of the Washington Hemp Industry Association, said the crop would grow well in the state’s climate.

“Our farmers are ready to, and need to, start putting industrial hemp seeds into the ground immediately,” Warner said. “There is an irrational fear of this historically persecuted crop.”


Chris Mulick, a lobbyist for Washington State University, said the college is “eager to help the state understand the viability and profitability of growing industrial hemp.”

But he warned the university must comply with U.S. laws in order to keep receiving federal research funds and student aid dollars.

Mark Streuli of the state Department of Agriculture said that agency also supports hemp cultivation.

“We think if there’s a prospect of a crop out there that enhances the viability of agriculture in Washington state, we support that,” Streuli said.

There is no organized opposition to the hemp study bill, which passed the committee and was sent to the Ways and Means Committee.

In 2012, Washington residents passed Initiative 502, which legalized recreational marijuana and, coincidentally, gave new life to the hemp movement.

In other countries, hemp is used to make thousands of different products, including clothing, food, beauty products and biofuels. The plants provide high yields with relatively few growing costs, Kohl-Welles said.

Canada legalized hemp cultivation in the 1990s, and Kohl-Welles believes the crop would provide a big boost to farmers in the U.S.

One of the most beneficial products could be biofuels, as hemp is more efficient than corn for making such fuels, she said.
Some committee members wondered if unlicensed marijuana grows could be illegally concealed in hemp fields. But people who testified at a hearing said marijuana plants are thick and bushy while hemp plants are tall and thin.

Joy Beckerman Maher, who has been pushing for hemp legalization for decades as a member of the Hemp Industries Association, stressed that industrial hemp does not get people high.

“The only feeling you would get is an awful headache,” Maher said.

The new national Farm Bill allows hemp cultivation to begin for research purposes. Such studies must be concluded by next January. Ten states have approved hemp production, including California and Oregon.

John Novak of Lake Forest Park, a member of the Cannabis Action Coalition, said legalization of hemp “will do more to end the federal war on cannabis.”

“In the end you are going to find more tax dollars from it,” he told the committee.

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Organic Hemp Products

Intelligent Nutrients
Intelligent Nutrients
Horst Rechelbacher
Horst Rechelbacher

Organic Cosmetics
Founder of Aveda Products and Intelligent Nutrients, Horst is both a visionary business leader in the field of cosmetics and ecopreneur that has long been a proponent of organic ingredients in all his products. He applies his eastern teachings and philosophy of wholeness and smart earth policies to how he runs his business.

hemp body care products
hemp body care products

Hemp Oil Body Care
SPOKANE, Wash. — Maija Szymanowski works at a stand at Pike Place Market Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014 in Seattle that sells body-care products including lotions, salves, and serums made in Washington state with hemp that is grown in Canada. With recreational marijuana use now legal in Washington, state legislators are discussing whether the state should also launch an industrial hemp industry.


Medical cannabis has several potential beneficial effects. Cannabinoids can serve as appetite stimulants, antiemetics, antispasmodics, and have some analgesic effects, may be helpful treating chronic non-cancerous pain, or vomiting and nausea caused by chemotherapy. The drug may also aid in treating symptoms of AIDS patients.
Medical Wiki

levi-strauss jeans

Hemp Textile Properties
As the premier plant fiber, True Hemp or Cannabis sativa has served mankind for thousands of years. This venerable fiber has always been valued for its strength and durability.

Diverse Hemp Products


Jeffrey Smith – No GMO!


International bestselling author Jeffrey Smith (Seeds of Deception) visits Boulder, Colorado to talk about how legislation is affecting our health – and poses a solution to kick GMO products out of the US by making them a marketing liability. A mere 5% shift in our buying patterns could be enough to change this disastrous agricultural practice.

Horst Rechebacher

Horst Rechelbacher
Horst Rechelbacher

Founder of Aveda Products and Intelligent Nutrients, Horst is both a visionary business leader in the field of cosmetics and ecopreneur that has long been a proponent of organic ingredients in all his products. He applies his eastern teachings and philosophy of wholeness and smart earth policies to how he runs his

Horst has a unique perspective on healthy and organic cosmetics and creams. The products you put on you your body and face should be be made from the purest organic plant and fruit extracts. Everything you put on your skin gets absorbed into the body, “It’s all digestible.”

pure plant